The processing time in the factory will be 2 - 5 days. After being shipped out, the order will need 8 - 20 business days (US Standard Shipping) to arrive at your location. You will also be informed of the tracking link in an email once the order left the factory.
Unfortunately, once the order has been placed, we cannot change the personalization details. It's essential to carefully review your order before finalizing it to ensure the accuracy of the engraving and other details. If you believe there's an issue, please contact our customer support for assistance.
In order to make a purchase on our shop follow these steps :Step 1: Select the item(s) that you wish to purchase on our website Step 2: Complete all required optionsStep 3: Click on the button“Preview”Step 4: Choose the quantity and press the button “Add to Cart”Step 5: Fill in your personal data (contact information, shipping address) and apply a discount code (if you have) to complete purchasing.
Our process prioritizes quality and durability. Crafting each personalized memorial garden stone with care and precision takes 2-5 days. We want to ensure that your memorial stone is not just beautiful but also enduring, standing the test of time.